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  • The Man Who Captured the World—Literally

The Man Who Captured the World—Literally

It’s Friday, Dudes. Let’s have ourselves a day. Whether you’re powering through the last bit of work or already gearing up for the weekend, we’ve got the stuff you need to kick things off right. Let’s dive in!

Photo of The Week

📸 The Only Human Missing from This 1969 Photo Is the Man Who Took It

Michael Collins’s photo of Earth and the Moon / NASA

During Apollo 11, astronaut Michael Collins snapped a mind-blowing photo from lunar orbit. In the shot: Earth, the Moon, and every human who ever existed—except Collins himself. Even if you weren’t born yet, the materials that would eventually make you are in the frame. For 21 hours, Collins was alone, orbiting the Moon while Armstrong and Aldrin made history below. This pic? It’s not just a snapshot; it’s a cosmic selfie that shows how we’re all connected—except for the guy holding the camera.

Check out the full story here.

Did You Know

🗺️ The Switzerland of the Middle East: How Lebanon Earned Its Nickname

Map of Lebanon /Council for Development and Reconstruction

Lebanon: the "Switzerland of the Middle East." This nickname isn’t just about its stunning landscapes. In the 1950s and 60s, Lebanon became a financial powerhouse, attracting wealth from across the region with banking secrecy laws that mirrored Switzerland’s famed stability. Beirut quickly became a safe haven for assets during turbulent times, much like Switzerland did for Europe.

Culturally, Lebanon’s diversity is striking, with 18 recognized religious sects coexisting in a vibrant mosaic. This mirrors Switzerland’s blend of languages and traditions. Beirut, once dubbed the "Paris of the Middle East," was a cultural and diplomatic hub, drawing international business and tourism.

Nature-wise, Lebanon’s landscapes are as varied and stunning as Switzerland’s. From snow-capped mountains and ski resorts in the north to Mediterranean beaches, Lebanon offers a breathtaking range of terrains within a small area, much like Switzerland’s Alps and lakes.

Despite political turmoil and a brutal civil war, Lebanon’s resilient spirit and rich culture keep its legacy alive as the "Switzerland of the Middle East."

Take a virtual tour of some of Lebanon’s best attractions here.

Dude of the Week

🏔️ John Muir: The Man Behind Yosemite and America’s National Parks

John Muir and President Theodore Roosevelt / National Parks Service

John Muir, often hailed as the "Father of the National Parks," was the dude who made it all possible. Born in Scotland in 1838, Muir emigrated to the U.S. and found himself captivated by the wilderness, especially the Sierra Nevada mountains. His love for these landscapes turned into a lifelong mission to protect them.

Muir's adventures weren’t just personal; they were the fuel for his passionate writings. His vivid descriptions of the natural beauty and importance of these wild places struck a chord with both the public and influential figures. One of his famous lines captures this perfectly:

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.”

But Muir wasn’t alone in this mission. Enter President Teddy Roosevelt, the ultimate outdoorsman. The two met in 1903 for a legendary camping trip in Yosemite, where Muir convinced Roosevelt of the need for federal protection of America's wild places. This meeting was a pivotal moment, leading Roosevelt to establish five national parks, 18 national monuments, and 150 national forests during his presidency.

So, the next time you're hiking through a national park, give a nod to John Muir—the dude who saw the beauty, wrote about it, and, with the help of Teddy Roosevelt, made sure it would be preserved for generations to come.

Dude of the Week

🎥 @officialstickreviews: The Instagram You Didn’t Know You Needed

Ever thought sticks could be entertaining? @officialstickreviews on Instagram proves they can be. This page is dedicated to reviewing everyday sticks found on the ground, and it’s strangely addictive.

Each post features a stick with a detailed review—think "8/10, solid grip" or "4/10, snapped too easily." The humor and nostalgia hit just right, taking us back to the simple joys of childhood, where a stick could be anything from a sword to a walking cane. And come on, who doesn’t remember finding that one perfect stick on a walk when they were little?

Officialstickreviews is a refreshing reminder that the best things in life are often the simplest—and sometimes lying right at your feet.

Check them out here.

🥣 Stuff to Do This Weekend

🎥 Movie to Watch: Monkey Man

📻Album to Listen To: Can’t Buy a Thrill - Steely Dan

🧑‍🎨 Art to Check Out: Purple Haze - Mark Maggiori

🤝 Try Something New: Learn to Juggle


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